
Child Support

When the child lives primarily with one parent, the other parent can be ordered to pay child support.  The parent paying child support is called the "obligor". The amount of child support the obligor is ordered to pay is typically calculated based on the "net monthly resources" of the obligor.  "Net monthly resources" is determined by taking the obligor's gross monthly income, and reducing that amount by federal taxes, union dues, health insurance premiums paid for the child, and payroll taxes.  Then, in general, the court will take a percentage of the "net monthly resources" and award that as child support.  For one child, the percentage payable is 20%, two children is 25%, 3 children is 30%, 4 children is 35%.  Also, the percentage will be slightly decreased if the obligor is supporting a child or children from a different relationship.

Health insurance is also often ordered by the Court as additional child support. Generally, one party is ordered to obtain health insurance on the child, and oftentimes, the court will order both parties to split any uninsured health expenses.

If you are concerned about child support, either as a potential obligor or obligee, or have questions, don't hesitate to contact our team.  We will be glad to answer any questions you may have, and provide more detailed information on child support in Texas.